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​"The template is excellent. Makes work significantly easier, shortens processes and the work is much more organized and professional. It is worth noting especially the support and the very professional service"

customer profile picture

"The dynamic blocks are excellent. The block front/plan options are very helpful for layouts. All in all - an excellent product - everyone who works with AutoCAD should have."

customer profile picture

​"Genius idea! Great user experience. Saved us a lot of time drawing plans. All processes are made more efficient. You are always available for questions. Most importantly the plans come out well-organized & professional. highly recommend"

customer profile picture

"I have been drawing manually for many years. I decided this year to optimize my work process.

After searching the net, I came across your template, which I found super comfortable and simple."

customer profile picture

​"Optimization and significant shortening of working hours. Amazing Dynamic blocks!!! Realy worth it"

customer profile picture

"First of all, I want to say thank you. The template is really the best gift I could give myself!
Just shortens my drawing times and my design has improved thanks to the workflow!
Truly a life changer, I'm so glad I bought it!!"

customer profile picture

"An amazing file!
Thorough and dedicated work that saves a lot of drafting time and allows you to produce high-level plans"

customer profile picture

"I purchased the file and it is indescribable how much time and headache it saves me on a daily basis. It makes work easier and shortens sketching times! I strongly recommend purchasing as soon as possible and start working more accurately and professionally."

customer profile picture

"The secret file is simply a gift! Saves valuable time, the plans look super professional and it made me organized. Suddenly I enjoyed sketching (which I usually like less). Highly recommended!!"

customer profile picture

"A huge thank you for the amazing file that within 5 hours fixed two days' worth of work for me!! Definitely a wonder! and those who haven't tried then You must immediately!"

customer profile picture

"One of the most significant files in my life. Thanks to the file, my work has become more efficient and faster. The file is professional, easy to use, with quality dynamic blocks. Beyond this very efficient file, the service and response is pleasant, fast and convenient. If you haven't purchased one, do yourself a favor and make sure you have it. Highly recommend!"

customer profile picture

"I've been an architect for over a decade. The products are amazing. They make me not forget any detail along the way and that's the main thing. I recommend the template from the moment you
Starting to study architecture or design, worth every penny. And I'm not even talking about the wonderful service of this business that gives support to customers with a smile and full of love."

Why drawing in AUTOCAD is so frustrating?

If you’ve ever drawn a set of architectural plans in AutoCAD you may have thought to yourself that there must be an easier more logical way to draw and make the necessary edits.


You may have found yourself repeatedly drawing late at night thinking how on earth it is possible to save myself time by reduce drafting?

clients using template

The Secret AutoCAD Template

 How to significantly shorten your AutoCAD drawing time and produce more professional & aesthetically pleasing plans in just a few minutes

without changing your routine or purchasing expensive courses or software 

How this file is going to optimize your work in AutoCAD

What happens after working with our exclusive file?

The drawing process will become simpler and easier

The drawing time will significantly shortened!

The drawings will be more professional and aesthetic!!

We are here to support you!

We give technical support for one month from the date of purchase, with no extra cost!

(Technical support only, not training on AutoCAD)

Additional bonuses with your purchase:
So what's your investment?

Our story

We created our products with a personal understanding of the amount of tasks you have as an interior designers or architect. Meetings with customers, driving to sites, conversations with suppliers and customers, preparation of quotes, devoting time to sketches and plans, bookkeeping, marketing, sales, …and oh yes and also a private life! Whew!

We know this, because we also worked as interior designers.

But today we live and breathe the behind the scenes of your world.


We created our products for one reason - to save you time!

Because we have the understand that every minute is priceless for your business!

​Our company has previously specialized in preparing a set of professional work plans as a service.

We took the drafting work form interior designers and gave them more time to give more professional service, work on their new project or bring new clients.

We have given our customers peace of mind - because we excel at what we do.

Simply because that's what we did all day - our focus was only on those set of plans!

Today, we are engaged in packing all our knowledge, which we have accumulated over the years, into products that will make the work of drawing in AutoCAD easy and efficient!


Or as our customer told us a long time ago, and unknowingly also gave us the name for our template: "From now on it's my secret file. I wish I knew it earlier. It just changed my life."

I'm inviting you to start working more efficiently and more correctly.

Lily S.Y.


  • Can I see the prices?
    Yes. You can see all the packages and prices on our page: "Price List" Or simply click here and go directly to the page:
  • How do I purchase the file?
    Easily! 1. Go to our online store: 2. Choose a package (according to what suits you) 3. At the end of the purchase process, the files are immediately sent automatically to your email
  • Can I see what inside the template?
    Sure! Go to the page from the main menu: "Inside the template" You can see there a list with screenshots of all the features and elements that our template contains. Or simply click here and go directly to the page:
  • Why are there different sizes for the file?
    The only difference between the files is the layout settings. ​ We have already made the settings for the layouts page size and the adjustment of the frame and the project details strip. ​ In all 60 layouts! For quick printing. For those who do not want to deal with these settings, or want to save time, the package with a couple of sizes is the right one.
  • What system of units i can find in the template? (metric or inches)
    Currently the the template is only available in the metric system. It will be available soon also in inches. If you need it in inches please email us so we can let you know as soon as it hits the store:
  • I already have my own template. What will the file renew for me?
    The honest is answer is that we don't really know because we have not seen your template. What we do know is that even architects and interior designers who had a template before purchased ours, said that it was innovative for them and that theirs was not as comprehensive and advanced as ours. For example, almost no one already had a template with LAYER STATES - one of the most effective tools on the market. Many did not have an automated date field that was updated after saving in all plans. They did not have fully dynamic blocks that worked well, a professional electrical legend, or predefined layouts for quick printing. For example: Our sink block has 18 different modes, and each mode is dynamic (it can be easily changed with the handles or by typing the desired size )
  • What drawing skills do I need to have in order to use it?
    To work with our secret template you need to know how to draft in AutoCAD at a basic level. Without any prior knowledge of the software it will be very difficult to understand how to draw using the template or in AutoCAD in general; not just in our file. Basic familiarity is enough to work with your file. Everything will already be in the file and set up for you - and you’ll just need to drag and place.
  • Can I modify the file myself and make my own adjustments?
    Yes, of course. no problem! The file is a regular DWG file. You can add / change anything you want.
  • There's a lot of free materials on the internet... I can do it myself
    Correct! You can sit and build this kind of file by yourself at no cost at all. Well at least not a direct cost but one that is measured first and foremost in time. In a long time... We have been drafting in AUTOCAD for many years and our understanding is unmatched.. You can sit down and make one in two or three full month …(yep, that is the amount of time it will take you to get to the level of details in our file). Or you could invest the cost of an hour or two of your work and get that knowledge from us.
  • How long will it take me to adapt to working with your file?
    It varies. Depends on your level of knowledge in AutoCAD. If you know AutoCAD and have already drawn plans in the past in AutoCAD, it can take from 10 minutes to an hour to understand how to work with our file. That time would be spent basically to getting to know all the elements inside. This is a completely regular AutoCAD file! It has everything in one place! We save you months of work making one like this yourself. What’s more, it contains elements and combinations you probably wouldn’t have created yourself.
  • I purchased a template from others before and I wasn’t satisfied.
    We understand. There are all kind of templates in the market. But from our experience and conversations with our customers we know that our secret file is the most comprehensive. None of the templates that exist in the market give a complete solution like ours with so many options. We invite you to read all the information we have listed above again and watch the video that shows the template. You can see everything the file contains in our website before you purchase. Check the page under: "inside the template"
  • What settings need to be made before starting work?
    There are only 2 things to do before starting to work: 1. Install fonts (just copy them to the right folder on your computer) 2. Install the CTB file (the file that sets the lines thickness and color) These 2 steps need to be done only once. Oh, and since no one remembers where the AutoCAD font folder is, or where to put the CTB file, we made a written & video tutorial with instructions. That way, you can install everything easily, and you can always refer back to it if necessary. One of our customers, who was really stressed about the "installations", wrote: "Wow I can not believe I did it alone!!"
  • What if I buy now and next year you will upgrade?
    Do not worry! All our customers are entitled to receive version updates for two years from the date of purchase! With no extra cost. Over time we renew, add, receive requests from the audience and then collect everything and update the secret file. Once the new version is done, we send it to our customers via email (your email is added automatically to our update list after purchase).
  • How can the file help me make an electricity plan, faster?
    The file contains dynamic electricity points and dynamic lighting points. One block that contains everything! Includes double-click for height, note, and quick numbering. You also have complete legend and groups of electricity points by rooms for quick work.
  • What do you mean: "a set of 60 layouts?"
    In each AutoCAD file, we have the model view (where you can draw the plans) and as many layouts as you want (the small tabs at the bottom of the screen, to the right of the model tab). The file has a definition of 60 layouts we already set for you! Existing state, options/sketches, floor - architectural, furniture, demolition, construction, electrical, plumbing, windows & doors, doors schedule, windows schedule, reflected ceiling, HVAC, flooring, kitchen plan, kitchen elevations, carpentry, carpentry list, bathroom plan, bathroom elevations, section A-A, section B-B and more... One set of layouts for the ground floor and another for the first floor. The layouts are predefined with layers to display each plan. It means that you draw the plan on the model space, and the plans are already ready for you to print in each layout. For example, in the "electricity" layout, only layers that are relevant to that plan (electricity) will be displayed. Automatically.
  • What are the "dynamic blocks"?
    Dynamic blocks are blocks that you can adjust in a click of a button. You can scale, rotate, stretch, mirror, and even change type using only the "handles", without tools from the menu. For example, if you want to increase the door width, all you have to do is type the new dimension + enter, and the door will change its size :)
  • What are "smart blocks"?
    Blocks that hide what behind them in the background. For example, if we take our door block and place it on one of the walls in the house, the walls below will not be displayed. It will not be necessary to  trim them in order to represent a real opening.
  • What is: "layer states manager?"
    First, it's not the layers properties menu :) When working on a complex drawing, there are times when you might want to turn some layers off, freeze some layers, and change the layer properties of others. If you ever want to return to this set of layers and their properties, using layer states makes it easy. A layer state is like a snapshot of the existing layers and layer settings when the layer state is created. A layer state is saved to the drawing and can be restored at any time. We defined 28 stats, for easier and quick work.
  • Are the smart blocks also good for the top view?
    Sure! There are blocks for plans and there are blocks for elevations.
  • Do I need special software?
    This is a completely regular DWG file. All you need is the AutoCAD software (or any other software that know to read DWG). You also don't need to install external features, LISPs, or purchase extensions.
  • Will I be able to use all the elements in the file?
    No special knowledge is required other than basic knowledge of AutoCAD software. We have already made all the complex settings for you. You just have to drag the elements and place in your plan.
  • Do I have to use layouts?
    No. It is possible to work even without the layouts. If you used to work without layouts there is no problem - you can use all the elements and ignore the layouts. But please note, our recommendation, for your sake and for more efficient process, is to use and work with layouts! Simply because it saves a lots of time. And besides, we have already defined everything for you :)
  • Can I get technical support?
    Definitely! We give technical support for one month from the date of purchase at no cost. Please note that this is technical support and not tutorials and instruction on AutoCAD. It means that if you do not know how to perform specific actions in AutoCAD, it will not be included in the support. On the other hand, questions like - I installed the fonts as you explained, but the texts still do not match, something went wrong, etc ... happily answered. Support is provided via our email, every day from 9 am to 5 pm (except on weekends). Email:
  • Is the file suitable for an older version of AutoCAD?
    Yes. From 2013 for sure :) And maybe even older but we did not check for older ...
  • Does the file work well on AutoCAD compatible Programs?
    We are not familiar with all CAD software on the market but can say that designers who work with the following software have purchased and it works great for them: Brickscad, ZWCAD, ProgCAD If your software know to work with DWG files it will know to work with the template too.
customer profile picture

"This is the dream of every professional who works with AutoCAD! I purchased without hesitation every possible template you created!! The template is very understandable, organized and incredibly accurate, accompanied by effective explanations and tips. As a designer and draftsman who spends long hours with AutoCAD, I must note that the drawing times have shortened significantly and have become more qualitative and more profitable !!!! Thank you very much for a wonderful product"

customer profile picture

"The secret file should be visible and known to all because it is simply excellent.

Optimizes the work, saves valuable time, and simplifies processes. I'm sorry I didn't have it sooner but better late than never!"

customer profile picture

​"This is a huge upgrade for me. I know AutoCAD, I took quite a few courses to deepen my understanding of it, and I still lacked the graphic polish, useful blocks and order in my work. The template presents everything in a perfect way, explained, organized, and easy to use. And the customer service is excellent, answer to every question, with pleasantness & professionalism. Thank you for everything. Designers and drafters, don't think twice. Worth it!"

customer profile picture

"You don't understand, just after I don't know how long, I suddenly enjoyed drawing. All the blocks turn over easily, and all the elements change with a click, you don't understand what a pleasure it is.

This product of yours is genius!

It's really, really good. And it is clearly explained!
I'm so glad I bought it and gave it time to learn it."

customer profile picture

​"I wanted to say thank you for the excellent template! I must say that it was not easy for me at first to get used to something new, but when I started to get to know it, everything is certainly much more efficient - it is more organized to work in this way, and for that, I thank you very much. The explanations attached and the answers to the questions were also useful and helpful To me."

customer profile picture

​"I purchased the A2 and A3 templates which also include the dynamic blocks. The product is simply excellent!!! Saves time working on plans and their visibility, as a result, is orderly, organized and professional."

And that's exactly why we created

The exclusive AutoCAD template for interior designers!

The file that will give you access to the complete solution for drawing plans in AutoCAD - quick and easy! Significantly shortens your working time and will get you more accurate, professional and aesthetic drawings.

Do you have more questions?

We will be happy to answer

Send us an email

I understood everything.

That sounds genius.

Upgrades ++

Version updates, with no extra cost, for two years!!

For real?!

Our secret command file for AutoCAD

Future discount

10% discount for buying future products

What happens after you buy the file?
How to start working with it
Hundreds of customers share their insights on our files

Why are there different sizes for the file?

The only difference between the files is the layout settings.

We have already made the settings for the layouts page size and the adjustment of the frame and the project details strip.

In all 60 layouts!

For quick printing

For those who do not want to deal with these settings, or want to save time, the package with a couple of sizes is the right one.

You may have also tried some of these:

You managed to find a few free hours from your crazy schedule, and you decided to try to create a template for yourself.

But somehow it did not work...partially worked or was missing elements, or they were not as dynamic  and automatic as you expected.

But when you think about it, it makes sense.

Because it takes time, a lot of time, to produce a file that contains everything.

The last thing you have is extra time to waste on AutoCAD!

We know… because we were there too...

  • We packed years of drawing knowledge into one file!

  • We have defined in advance: 52 layers, CTB for optimal line weight and colors, fonts, layer states for fast work, 60 layouts for fast printing, professional project details strip and more.

  • All the architectural elements are spread out and arranged before your eyes and all that is needed is just to drag & place them on top of the plan.

  • Pre-prepared groups elements, by space, for quick work.

  • For each type of plan we have created its own legend, so you don't need not remember anything! All the necessary notes, elements and even dimensions are already there for you.

Save time with better work flow
More Testimonials...
Take a look inside 

Want us to get back to you?

Thanks! Our team will write to you soon

Over a decade of our knowledge in drawing is packed in one place, with a one-time investment of about 1% of your next project!

An investment that will accelerate you 10 years in the professionalism of the drawings if you do not have your own template or will give you a more comprehensive and whole solution - beyond the template you already have.

Our responsibility is your satisfaction! If something does not work, we are here to support and make sure everything is understood and successful; guaranteed.

  • You don't have to waste your time thinking which line thickness is best, what colors are most readable, what layers should be displayed in each plan or what type and font size will be most readable. We did it for you!

  • Built-in notes and pre-prepared work group with dimensions and elements

  • The file comes with a pre-prepared CTB (print settings) and gives you the best graphics for a professional program set

  • We created 60 layouts. Each pre-set to display the lines in the correct thickness and color for the relevant plan! In an electrical plan, for example, the furniture will be light gray. All that without touching anything - everything is pre-set for you!

Professional & aesthetic drawings

Package 1



The secret file - 1 size

Available sizes:​

A3 / A2 / A1 / A0

Each size comes with 2 files: landscape & Portrait layouts

Package 2



The secret file - 2 sizes

Available combinations:​ 

A3+A2 | A3+A1 | A2+A1

Each size comes with 2 files: landscape & Portrait layouts

Package 3



The secret file - 3 sizes

Available combinations:​

A3+A2+A1 | A2+A1+A0

Each size comes with 2 files: landscape & Portraits layouts

Package 4



The secret file - all 4 sizes



Each size comes with 2 files: landscape & Portrait layouts

the template
template tollbox

Check all the good stuff you get:

Architectural elements for plans
Architectural elements for elevations
Dozens of smart blocks
Built-in notes for each program
Useful notes
Professional fonts
Dimensions by scale
Text styles by scale
Work groups - drag & place
Legends by plan
Full electric legend
Professional project details block
Auto' date in project details
Attributes for elements
 60 layouts
53 layers
28 layers states
Shortcuts table
  • Over 150 dynamic blocks: Adjust elements at the touch of a button! Change size\type\direction of a window\door\furniture, replace a single switch with a double switch and many more

  • Automatic fields! For example: ​​​you​​​​​​​​​​ ​​d​​o​​n​'t​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ need to update the date - it will updated automatically when saving!

  • Fields for elements (attributes). For example: Adding numbering and height to electrical points in one click

  • Smart Blocks: will hide the lines underneath them 

  • No need to turn on and off layers manually​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ We set layer states: one click and only the required layers will display!

Automated processes, dynamics & complete adjustments
🎁 Technical support
🎁 Secret command file for AutoCAD!
🎁 Future 10% discount
Can be changed & customized
No need to install LISP's

This is what you get:

(best watch in full & rotate screen)

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